Foundry Models and Aluminium Molds

Modelleria Tardivo
Modelleria Tardivo is specialized in the production of wood, resin and aluminium foundry models and of thermoforming moulds
Modelleria Tardivo is an expert in the field of models and equipment for the foundry industry. We design and produce wood, resin and aluminium foundry models, thermoforming moulds, moulds for polystyrene and prototypes.
The company was established in 1987 by Mario Tardivo as a small, independent business to produce foundry models and aluminium moulds for packaging. Over the years the company has evolved thanks to new technology that marked the transition from handwork to the production of models through CNC machinery.
The use of innovative 5-axis CNC machines allows the construction of large moulds of any shape and material.
The division staff is skilled and practised in manual modelling and is capable of making high-quality models and moulds.
Today more than ever, the market needs to pay attention to the quality and safety of the products offered and to the punctuality with which they are delivered.
Modelleria Tardivo has been collaborating for years with important foreign companies and foundries.